
Ways to Study for a 5th Grade Math Test

  1. Complete the practice test and ask questions if you don’t know how to do something

  2. Review each lesson in your book

  3. Redo problems from each lesson (especially the “checked” ones)

  4. Study important vocabulary in each lesson

  5. Look at the review materials on the 5F Google classroom

  6. Quiz yourself using whiteboards or your math notebook

  7. Have a friend or family member quiz you

  8. Start studying a several days before the test so you can ask for help if you need it

Math Test Taking Tips

  1. Show your work and hand it in with your test

  2. Try to make an estimation before you start each problem

  3. Label your answers ($3.00, 14 books, 8 miles etc.)

  4. Read and then reread all problems (Now repeat step 3)

  5. Underline important parts of word problems

  6. Make sure you answer all parts of each problem

  7. Check your work! Hey, I have an idea, why don’t you check your work again!