Summit Elementary Grades

Grading Symbols Used in

Summit Elementary Schools

ES = Exceeds Standard

Student consistently demonstrates knowledge and skills that exceed grade level expectations by extending key concepts and processes and evidencing high-level thinking skills.

MS = Meets Standard

Student consistently and independently applies and demonstrates a thorough understanding of the key concepts, processes and skills that are expected for proficiency at this grade level.

PS = Progressing toward Standard

Student demonstrates a partial understanding of the knowledge and skills that are expected by the end of this grade level, and with prompting, is beginning to apply key concepts and processes.

IS = Initiating Standard

Student demonstrates a beginning understanding of the grade level concepts and skills but requires heavy guidance and support.

ND = Not Demonstrating Standard

Student performance does not yet demonstrate an understanding of the knowledge and skills expected for this grade level. This may be an area of concern that requires additional support.

NA = Not Assessed at this time.